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Bike for Peace 2017 – from China to Myanmar

Play for Peace board directors Steve Proudman and Mark Havens have once again embarked on a biking journey to bring peace to themselves and the world. Last year they biked through northern Vietnam and Laos. This year they have started another…

Training: Youth Service Centre, Bolangir, Odisha - India

Youth Service Centre [caption id="attachment_8153" align="alignleft" width="175"] Bolangir, Odisha[/caption] Youth Service Centre, a NGO, located in Bolangir, works to protect interests of children in some of the poorest areas in Odisha, known as…

Giving Games Recap: Senegal

Play for Peace Senegal, in partnership with Yaakar Senegal, kicked off their Giving Games in western Pikine, a county of the Dakar region that more than a million people call home. The event spanned 12 days and reached upwards of 100 children over…

A New Day Social Work Group Hosts The Earth Needs Green

On Sunday, November 27, 2016, A New Day Social Work Group held an event at the Trúc Lâm B?o S?n monastery in the rural district of Tân Thành, Vietnam. This marked the eighth event in a series of twelve programs geared toward children who live…

Compassion Games: World Interfaith Harmony Week - February 1-7

Beginning next Wednesday, February 1, Compassion Games will host the Harmony Week Coopetition. The week brings an amazing opportunity for any organization, group, congregation, place of worship or interfaith community to play in the spirit of a…

Introducing our Board of Directors: Michael Terrien

"The goal of Play of Peace is to create compassion between people who come from different communities that have a history of conflict.” - Michael Terrien Michael Terrien is one of the Play For Peace co-founders, and currently sits on the Board…

Giving Games Recap: Mexico

The Play for Peace clubs in Mexico were very active during the Giving Games, hosting activities and discussions that revolved around empathy and reflection for others. Sometimes society makes life extra hard; everyone who has ever experienced the…

Giving Games Recap: Nepal

The Giving Games were in full swing in Nepal this past month. Between the Global Peace Youth Corps club in Kathmandu, and the Nepal Friendship Society Peace Club in Bharatpur, almost 1,000 children were able to participate this year. The…

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Each year, on the third Monday of January, the U.S. observes Martin Luther King Jr. Day in remembrance of one of its most influential civil rights leaders in its history. Martin Luther King Jr. was a minister and activist who, through his activism…

A Quick Look Back at 2016!

Thank you all for a wonderful year! Enjoy our quick look back at 2016 and join us in growing Play for Peace this 2017. Happy New Year! [embed][/embed]