
The heart and soul of what we do, is supporting our youth-led Play for Peace Clubs. Play for Peace is focused on supporting youth leaders, comprising multiple ethnic groups and functioning as cohesive working teams, developing their Play for Peace understanding and skills. They then facilitate experiential processes and activities with children throughout the year, as well as implement self-initiated peace-building experiences in the broader community.

Youth today shapes the leaders of tomorrow

Play for Peace Clubs

Play for Peace clubs are groups of young people that implement Play for Peace activities in their neighborhoods, schools, communities, and organizations across the globe. Locally operated, clubs are run by at least five youth (15-25 years old) with the support of an adult mentor and initiated to create peace in communities experiencing conflict.


A completely landlocked country in south-central Asia, Afghanistan has a population of almost 30 million people. The country has suffered much political and economic instability throughout its history, including many decades of civil war. In August 2021, the 20-year US-led military presence in the country ended. The transition of power was marked by chaos, violence, and mass evacuations of foreign nationals and Afghan citizens. The new government has raised concerns about human rights violations, particularly regarding women and minority groups, and the potential for increased violence and instability in the region. The international community, including the United Nations and various governments, has called for protecting Afghan civilians and forming an inclusive government.

Unfortunately, the Omid Play for Peace Club in Afghanistan was closed due to the circumstances. For years they worked tirelessly to create community engagement and participation, spread a culture of peace, and promote coexistence between and within local communities. The group brought laughter and joy to Afghan children who have suffered decades of war, violence, and conflict. They focused on helping these children cope with social disputes and inter-ethnic tensions and strengthening community participation and inclusion.

Their work began after certified trainers Swati Bhatt and Agyatmitra Shunya facilitated a training in Delhi, India, in January 2019 with several local peacebuilders who planned to bring Play for Peace to Afghanistan. After intense efforts to introduce Play for Peace concepts there, in February 2019, trainer Shafi K. and fellow participants held the first consultation meeting on how to utilize Play for Peace’s methods and practices in the Afghanistan community. In March 2019, the Omid Club was established but was closed in mid-2021 for the safety of the Play for Peace members and their community.

IDP Project

Location: Herat, Kabul


Partner: JRS


To be added

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One of the smallest, yet most densely populated countries in Africa, Burundi shares a border with Rwanda, Tanzania, and Congo. In 2016, the country was ranked 184 out of 188 in the Human Development Index and is considered one of the poorest countries in the world. Like neighboring Rwanda—which experienced the unspeakable horrors of genocide when the Hutus attempted to decimate the Tutsi population in 1994—Burundi has faced ethnic violence and massacres between the two groups since gaining independence in 1962. Although peacekeeping attempts have been made and some of the violence has subsided, the situation in the country is unstable. In 2015, new conflicts broke out due to the president’s decision to run for a third term, causing hundreds of deaths and and many people to flee the country.

In February 2019, Play for Peace trainers Sam and Sarah Towers visited Burundi, hosting peace sessions with students, teachers, and staff in six different schools and working with partner THARS (Trauma Healing and Reconciliation Services). Since Play for Peace uses cooperative play to release tension and help people cope with trauma, THARS was very interested in learning about its methodology and integrating Play for Peace into its sessions.

The group in Burundi officially registered as a Play for Peace club in May 2019, with THARS as its partner organization. They are eager to work with the global learning community and connect with Play for Peace clubs around the world, sharing the same values of cooperation, inclusion, caring, and fun.

Healing Play

Location: Bujumbura, Burundi

Mentors: Obed Nijimbere

Partner: THARS


In February 2019, Play for Peace trainers Sam and Sarah Towers visited Burundi, hosting peace sessions with students, teachers, and staff in six different schools and working with partner THARS (Trauma Healing and Reconciliation Services). Since Play for Peace uses cooperative play to release tension and help people cope with trauma, THARS was very interested in learning about its methodology and integrating Play for Peace into its sessions. After the success of these sessions, the group in Burundi officially registered as a Play for Peace club in May 2019, with THARS as its partner organization. Called the Healing Play Club, the group is eager to work with the global learning community and connect with Play for Peace clubs around the world, sharing the same values of cooperation, inclusion, caring, and fun.

Healing Play Session

Healing Play Session

30 professionals in Bujumbura gained tools to manage stress, resolve conflicts, and inspire positivity in their communities. ...more

Burundi ,Global news

October 10, 20231 min read

Overcoming Life’s Challenges

Overcoming Life’s Challenges

Youth facilitators Elie and Scheilla inspired teamwork and resilience in a powerful workshop with THARS staff, fostering healing and peace in the African Great Lakes Region. ...more

Burundi ,Global news

February 21, 20231 min read

How to Overcome Obstacles

How to Overcome Obstacles

Knowing how to overcome obstacles can help you stay focused and calm under pressure. ...more

Burundi ,Global news &Community Engagement

February 21, 20231 min read

Embracing Neurodiversity

Embracing Neurodiversity

What neurodiversity means, how it manifests in children, and actionable tips to support neurodivergent kids at home and beyond. Celebrate their unique superpowers! ...more

Burundi ,Global news

November 08, 20223 min read

Healing Play in Burundi

Healing Play in Burundi

This mini bite-sized update comes from the Healing Play club in Burundi where 150 participants and 6 youth leaders create lasting change in their local communities. ...more

Burundi ,Global news

October 02, 20221 min read

Race for Humanity

Race for Humanity

Four Play for Peace Mentors Share Their Stories ...more

Burundi ,India Mexico Sri Lanka &Leadership

September 19, 20207 min read

El Salvador

El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America though it is the 3rd densely populated country in the region. El Salvador first achieved independence from Spain in 1821 and from the Central American federation in 1839.

A peace agreement by the United Nations ended the 12-year civil war in 1992, but the country still suffers from a divided society. Violent “mara” street gangs have left the country with one of the world’s highest murder rates.

Central America has consistently been among the most violent regions in the world for the past 40 years. Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador – also called “the northern triangle” are still experiencing the aftermath of decades of Civil War in the region that left a legacy of violence and fragile institutions.

Play for Peace El Salvador Club was created by Fatima Landaverde, a native of El Salvador. She learned about Play for Peace a few years ago and immediately wanted to join our community and start a club in her home country. A passionate peacebuilder who works with local youth in Suchitoto, El Salvador, Fatima soon had the participation of young people in the area.

Suchitoto was very affected by the civil war that occurred between 1980 and 1992, and the people there are still dealing with its effects. Gang violence is a huge challenge for children and youth, not only the fear of violence but the concern that young people will join these gangs and continue the cycle of violence. For this community, Play for Peace is a chance for everyone to live in peace.

As of March 2022, the country experienced one of the deadliest days since the beginning of the pandemic from gang violence. Play for Peace El Salvador Club is up running in-person workshops again and gathering new youth from neighboring communities to come together and stand against the violence.

El Salvador Club

Location: Suchitoto

Mentors: Fatima Lavandre



The El Salvador Club was started in 2019 in Suchitoto,


Greece was hit very hard by the financial crisis of 2008–2009, and the country is still suffering today. The unemployment rate is high, the social system has almost collapsed, and many educated youth have left the country to find opportunity elsewhere. The country is also dealing with the effects of the civil war in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, which has forced thousands of people to flee their countries and settle in Greece. While the European government is working to find a solution to the refugee crisis, more and more lives are being devastated by the terror and violence of war.

Play for Peace Greece began when trainers Swati and Agyat came to the local Skaramangas refugee camp for a 10-day training in early 2017. The youth in attendance were deeply impacted and eager to learn how to facilitate Play for Peace sessions. They soon began gathering kids from the camp to play together, making them laugh and helping them forget all they had been through.

The Skaramangas group soon caught the attention of Olimpia Theodoli, founder of the children's charity Crete for Life. She invited youth leaders from the camp to facilitate play sessions in Crete for children from Chernobyl, who are still impacted by the 1986 nuclear plant explosion. Youth leaders there learned how to make children happy and that even if the world sees them as victims they can still be leaders in their communities. Inspired by their work at Skaramangas, many youth facilitators from the camp have moved to different countries and taken Play for Peace with them.


Location: Athens, Greece

Mentors: Belen Ruiz and
Saam Murad

Partner: Skaramangas Refugee Camp


The AMAL Club is comprised of refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq who live in the Skaramangas Refugee Camp in Athens, Greece. Most of them speak English and Arabic, and some speak Kurdish. Supported by Drop in the Ocean, the AMAL club brings together participants three times a week in the camp’s community center. They aim to give children and youth  hope while living in at the refugee camp, where the fluctuation of people in and out is very high. Youth and volunteers are exposed to Play for Peace methods and activities, and then take their learning to other places. Much like Athens was the cradle of democracy in the ancient days, it is now the cradle of Play for Peace Europe.

Crete for Life Club

Location: Crete Island, Greece

Mentors: Olimpia Theodoli

Partner: Crete for Life


Crete for Life is a non-profit organization that, among other activities, supports sick and disadvantaged children by offering them a restorative summer holiday in Crete. These children, many of them coping with life-threatening diseases, might otherwise never experience a holiday. When founder Olimpia Theodoli met the Play for Peace club in Skaramangas in 2017, she was so impressed by their work that she invited the youth leaders to Crete to bring Play for Peace activities to Belarussian children who were still suffering from the aftermath of the 1986 nuclear explosion in Chernobyl. The program was so successful that it continued in 2018 with the Play for Peace groups from Galilee, Israel, and the Skaramangas refugee camp. Together, the youth leaders cared for and played with orphaned children from Belarus, which was an unforgettable experience for both the children and youth leaders. 

How Play for Peace United Cultures in Crete

How Play for Peace United Cultures in Crete

Discover how youth leaders from diverse backgrounds brought laughter, healing, and unity to Belarussian orphans in Crete through Play for Peace’s transformative mission. ...more

Greece ,Global news

November 08, 20183 min read


Once the heart of the ancient Mayan civilization, Guatemala boasts a rich heritage that is still woven throughout its culture. Sadly, the country suffered a 36-year civil war that ended in 1996, a conflict that left the country deeply scarred. As a result, Guatemala has one of the highest violent crime rates in the world and the indigenous population is largely affected by discrimination and lack of access to basic necessities and education. Youth are both victims and perpetrators of violence, and gang life is a daily reality. Violence has affected the population so much that the World Health Organization declared youth violence as a global health problem and has recommended the need for effective prevention programs.

Play for Peace is active in seven different communities, both urban and rural, and the clubs are diverse in population—made up of indigenous groups, a women's collective, and university students. All of the communities where Play for Peace is active struggle with poverty and violence. Youth facilitators there work to build relationships with the children they meet during play sessions, and most children return regularly to participate, learning to cooperate in a group and make new friends. Several children, who started out as participants, are now youth facilitators who bring change and peace to their communities.

The work of youth leaders in Guatemala is growing in number and impact. They will continue to bridge divides between ethnic groups and inspire hope in children and youth in communities affected by conflict.

Palencia Club

Location: Palencia, Guatemala

Mentors: Wendy Bamaca



Play for Peace Club in Guatemala Palencia Club Founded as Play for Peace Club: 2013Mentors: Wendy Bamaca  Regional Coordinator: Andrés ArmasLocation: Palencia, GuatemalaFocus: Inclusion and social transformation, promoting social entrepreneurship and community healing.It began in 2013 through an agreement with USAID in a Violence Prevention Program. After completing the USAID project, the young motivated facilitators followed their club as volunteers implementing the methodology of Play for Peace for the prevention of School and Community Violence in schools and communities organized in Palencia, Guatemala.“In our Play for Peace group there is a strong level of companionship. You make new friends, share learning with others, help each other, and trust other people. This created important learnings like partnership and companionship throughout the whole group.” Widespread violence, income disparities, and social disintegration affects all of Guatemala deeply. As part of the Northern Triangle in Central America, it is considered one of the most dangerous areas in the world. In this region, youth are seen as both victims and perpetrators of violence with gang life a daily reality for the civilian population. The effect this violence has on the population is overwhelming, so much so in fact, that the World Health organization has declared youth violence as a global health problem and recommends effective prevention programs that include life skills and social development as well as school-based anti-bullying programs. Palencia is a small town on the outskirts of the most dangerous areas of Guatemala City and suffers from waves of violence that spill into their community. The Play for Peace in Palencia Club gives the children and youth and alternative to gang life. Founded in 2012 with funds provided by RTI, USAID and CECI as part of a violence prevention program the youth meet weekly, have an established youth board of directors and lead Practice Peace Sessions monthly in local schools.

Qawinaqel Club

Location: Palin Escuintla, Guatemala

Mentors: Teresa Raguay

Partner: Asociación Juvenil Poqomam Qawinaqe


The Poqomam Qawinaqel Youth Association is currently led by young people and teachers who in 2008 received the Play for Peace training and now support their students to strengthen their leadership and contribute to create better citizens for the better future of their communities. Its focus is education, preserving the Poqomam culture, preserving land and natural resources, leadership and Peace.

Cuyuta Club

Location: Cuyuta Masagua, Escuintla Guatemala

Mentors: Israel del Aguil



This Club partner to Play for Peace is led by educators and volunteers committed to the formation and rights of children and Juventus. Its programs include violence prevention, citizen education. The strongest challenges they have on the high death and violence in their community. They use the Play for Peace process in schools, schools and youth groups organized on issues of leadership and peace.

Crete for Life Club

Location: Crete Island, Greece

Mentors: Olimpia Theodoli

Partner: Crete for Life


Crete for Life is a non-profit organization that, among other activities, supports sick and disadvantaged children by offering them a restorative summer holiday in Crete. These children, many of them coping with life-threatening diseases, might otherwise never experience a holiday. When founder Olimpia Theodoli met the Play for Peace club in Skaramangas in 2017, she was so impressed by their work that she invited the youth leaders to Crete to bring Play for Peace activities to Belarussian children who were still suffering from the aftermath of the 1986 nuclear explosion in Chernobyl. The program was so successful that it continued in 2018 with the Play for Peace groups from Galilee, Israel, and the Skaramangas refugee camp. Together, the youth leaders cared for and played with orphaned children from Belarus, which was an unforgettable experience for both the children and youth leaders. 

Amarc Club

Location: Colomba Quetzaltenango Guatemala

Mentors: Alicia Agustin

Partner: Amarc


AMARC is an association of women from different areas of Colomba who are dedicated to the development and construction of political thought. They got involved in the play for Peace because of their leader Alicia Agustin who was the youth leader of the first years of Play for Peace in Guatemala. Now she and her family and other women leaders work for Peace.

Kojb'iyin Juman Ajkoj

Location: San Raymundo Guatemala

Mentors: Estuardo Coc

Partner: Kojb'iyin Juman Ajkoj


This youth organization has been a partner of Play for Peace for 10 years, where a large number of young people and teenagers have participated, as well as indigenous women. With its name it indicates it and when translated it means "Let's walk together" is an organization that is dedicated to the integral development of the community, watching over the rights of the people. Through their volunteer facilitators they implement the Play for Peace process in schools, institutes and communities organized with the objectives of preventing violence, creating peace, integration, and leadership for a better way of living together.

Transforming Violence to Peaceful Advocacy

Transforming Violence to Peaceful Advocacy

The inspiring story of Abel Erim Aldana, a dedicated Play for Peace leader in Guatemala. Learn how his work is transforming communities and empowering young people to build a more peaceful future. ...more

Guatemala ,Global news &Stories and Reflections

March 04, 20241 min read

Youth have the right to live in peace

Youth have the right to live in peace

The local organization hosting the workshop was the Association Puerta de Esperanza. ...more

Guatemala ,Global news

May 18, 20230 min read

Youth have the right to live in peace

Youth have the right to live in peace

Discover how Asociación Puerta de Esperanza transforms lives by helping Guatemalan youth in informal jobs gain education and opportunities for a better future. ...more

Guatemala ,Global news

May 18, 20231 min read

Sowing Seeds of Peace in El Salvador

Sowing Seeds of Peace in El Salvador

Sowing Seeds of Peace in El Salvador / Sembrando Semillas de Paz en El Salvador ...more

Guatemala ,Global news &Community Engagement

December 22, 20227 min read

PFP Alumni - What Are They up to Now?

PFP Alumni - What Are They up to Now?

Play for Peace transformed lives in Guatemala post-war, empowering youth like Marcos, Josué, and Alicia to become leaders of peace and inspire future generations. ...more

Guatemala ,Global news

September 13, 20225 min read

PFP Alumni - What Are They up to Now?

PFP Alumni - What Are They up to Now?

This update brought tears to my eyes. It made me emotional because of how much of a positive impact your donations have had on the lives of so many adults and children across the globe. ...more

Guatemala ,Global news

September 13, 20226 min read


India is the seventh largest country in the world and the second most populated. Thousands of years of history have shaped the country, which is incredibly diverse in both culture and religion. While India is considered one of the fastest growing economies in the world—often called "newly industrialized"—large parts of the population suffer from poverty and lack of access to education and healthcare. Due to complicated social structures, many people also face discrimination and rejection.

Play for Peace India is in the 18th year of its journey, which started in 2000 in what was then the southern Indian state of Andra Pradesh (now Telangana). Since then, Play for Peace has worked with a variety of organizations that offer a diverse set of local experiences and address different developmental needs. Currently, the India program is the largest In the Play for Peace community. Each club addresses issues based on the community it serves, and major themes addressed include equality, inclusion, interfaith harmony, child and female empowerment, and making schools more equitable and inclusive to keep children in school and attract dropouts.

Requests for Play for Peace in India are constant , and our core values and activities there impact thousands of lives now and will continue in the future.

Karol Bagh YTH Peace Club

Location: Karol Bagh, Delhi, India

Mentors: Vijay Kumar

Partner: Ideal Youth Health and Welfare Society


The Karol Bagh YTH Peace Club includes 20-25 youth from the marginalized Dalit and Muslim communities in Dehli. Around 80% of Dalit youth in this location are school dropouts and engaged in daily wage work (manual scavenging, housekeeping, and sanitation).The club meets daily to conduct Practice Peace Sessions and has taken on many other initiatives, including a library, career counseling services and workshops, a spoken English class, a digital learning and knowledge hub, training workshops on social and gender inclusion, and a community outreach program. The club's achievements include reconnecting 1,000 students with education—including youth who had been addicted to drugs, helping more than one hundred youth gain admission to universities; and organizing more than 50 campaigns to address an increased trend in liquor consumption.

Freedom Education Equity Leadership Club

Location: Patel Nagar, New Delhi, India

Mentors: Neelam Jajoriya



The FEEL Club focuses on working with children from marginalized communities. The club supports the children by providing a safe space to come together and study. Children are also supported through coaching classes to enhance their studies. 

Jagran Club

Location: Taltala, Kolkata, India

Mentors: Sahil Balmiki



The Jagran Club was founded in 2013 with the mission of improving lives in Kolkata through practice peace sessions and social awareness campaigns. The treatment of women is a major focus for the Jagran Club, so much of the club's work work focuses on promoting inclusion and equal opportunities for girls and creating a community completely free of sexual abuse. The district faces other conflicts, such as drug abuse and HIV/Aids, which are also addressed. The Jagran Club consists of seven members who meet two to three times a week and on Sundays, bringing children together from different backgrounds and religions for play sessions that focus on cooperation, inclusion, and fun. The group also works with local NGOs and organizes street plays about relevant topics in the community, such as addiction, HIV/Aids, sexual abuse, and equality for girls and women. Our mission is to achieve peace and equality in the community, so that children and youth can grow up in a safe and protected environment, where they can achieve their dreams.

Disciples for Peace Club

Location: West Bengal, Kolkata, India

Mentors: Arzoo Shakir & Shahreen



After receiving Play for Peace training in 2016, the Disciples for Peace Club formed to work in communities in Kolkata dealing with issues affecting children and youth, such as underage labor and marriage, unemployment, prostitution, and involvement in drugs and crime. Due to these conditions, a majority of these children and youth also deal with depression and lack the support they need. The Disciples for Peace Club conducts regular Practice Peace Sessions in different communities in Kolkata and organizes youth awareness programs using Play for Peace tools such as cooperative activities, puppet storytelling, and street play. The Disciples for Peace Club hopes to bring positive change to the lives of local children and youth, just as Play for Peace has changed their lives for the better.

Pink City Jaipur Club

Location: Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

Mentors: Pawan Kumar

Partner: World Vision, Jaipur


The Pink City Play for Peace Club works with public school and community children and youth in Jaipur, India, organizing events and weekly Practice Peace Sessions. Run by members of the World Vision Area Development project, the club works to build self-esteem, confidence, and faith in life of these children.

Khula Aasman Club

Location: Mankhurd, Mumbai, India

Mentors: Ragini Amol

Partner: Khula Aasman


The Khula Aasman Mumbai Club is supported by Khula Aasman, a nonprofit organization based in Mumbai, India. Khula Aasman’s key area of work is blending art with social change, a relatively unexplored idea with huge potential for nurturing positive mental health and bringing different groups of people together. The Khula Aasman Club is made up of a group of volunteers that works with vulnerable children and communities using cooperative play and the arts. The club uses methods such as clay, paint, play, stories, poems, dance, music, yoga, and creative visualization to work with children during weekly Practice Peace Sessions and organized community service projects in Mumbai.

Mumbai Club

Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Mentors: Archana Magar & Neelu Grover

Partner: Viscomm 360 Communications


Play for Peace Mumbai club is made up of a group of volunteers that works with vulnerable children and communities using play and arts. The group aims to promote relationships among people whose communities suffer from a history of cross-cultural tensions. An open space where everyone can experience the joy of play, the club conducts weekly Practice Peace Sessions using cooperative play, as well as clay, paint, play, paper, waste, stories, poems, dance, music, yoga, and the power of creative visualization to work with children. The club also conducts community service projects; sessions with cancer patients, women, and children at a local rehabilitation center; and with children and parents in family court.

Khel se Mel Club

Location: Pune, Maharashtra, India

Mentors: Kailas Kamble

Partner: World Vision


In Indian society, the caste system and religion are dividing factors. To break down barriers, the Khel se Mel Club, in partnership with World Vision India, conducts Practice Peace Sessions with children and youth in Pune and in public schools to give socially excluded children the opportunity to build self-esteem, experience inclusion, and learn cooperation through play.

Hyderabad Club

Location: Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Mentors: Haseeb Jafferi & Diyanat Ali

Partner: Great Hyderabad Adventure Club


Founded by Diyanat, Ali, the club's mentor, the Hyderabad Club works in local communities, schools and through special outreach programs to bring together children, youth, and adults across divides. The club has been consistenly working with a school called Vision Rainbow, where it has helped to build a community with parents, teachers, and kids of various backgrounds. The club has also created a community-based Bookshelf Library, which uses storytelling, reading, and Play for Peace methodology with local children. 

FSL India Club

Location: Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Mentors: Rakesh Kumar

Partner: FSL-India


FSL-India is a leading youth development organization in India, focused on intercultural Learning through voluntary services and working to promote global understanding by providing youth volunteer and intercultural learning opportunities in different cultural contexts. This helps to break down boundaries and bring people together to work in harmony, with an understanding of people from different cultures and backgrounds. Annually, FSL-India mobilizes 1,500 and more young people from across the globe with the support of international partners and local NGOs.

Peace Game Club

Location: Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Mentors: Farheen Anwer



The Peace Game Club is located in one of the weakest economic sections in Bangalore. Many families are laborers who stitch jeans and other clothing in small shops and at home. Made up of girls who join for peace sessions after they've finished domestic chores, the Peace Game Club doesn't draw boys, as they must go to work and come home late. The girls meet monthly for cooperative play sessions, where they can share their experiences and support one another.

Kashmir Club

Location: Jammu and Kashmir, India

Mentors: Mushtaq

Partner: ActionAid India


The Kashmir Club is supported by ActionAid, a global movement of people working together to further human rights and defeat poverty for all. The club has around 400 youth volunteers in five district groups, all who work with children on the ground. Club members conduct Practice Peace Sessions in schools each week and local children look forward to learning through play and enjoying the activities conducted by the club.

Ekta ki Nayi Umang Club

Location: Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India

Mentors: Aarti Raikar



Aarti Raikar, mentor and founder of the Ekta ki Nayi Umang Club, started her work with Play for Peace as a volunteer and club member of the Karol Bagh Club in Delhi. After moving with her husband to Jhansi in Uttar Pradesh in 2017, she wanted to continue bringing laughter, compassion, and peace to children in her community. So in 2018, she began conducting play sessions and coaching classes for local children. After receiving a positive response from parents, she created the Ekta ki Nayi Umang Club—meaning the spirit of unity—and has continued leading sessions with children in her community.


Israel has been in conflict ever since its declaration of state in 1948. Since then, the inhabitants of this small Middle Eastern country have seen seven wars, and attempts to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have been unsuccessful. Besides this ongoing, widely known conflict, the country faces many other challenges, including environmental issues and clashes between different cultural and religious groups.

Israel is one of the first countries where Play for Peace became active. Shortly after its founding in 1998, Play for Peace partnered with the Jerusalem International YMCA, working with mixed groups of Jewish and Arab children. While Play for Peace trainers visited many areas in the country, from Jerulsalem to Jericho, the next club was not initiated until 2014. Then, Sarah Gough and Craig Dobkin completed a 10-day training tour in Israel and Palestine, introducing Play for Peace to groups such as The Bedouin Girls Warm House Project, The Palestinian Center for Conflict Resolution in Jericho, a community group in Eilaboun, and a youth center and camp in Haifa. Another project with the organization Hand in Hand, an intentionally bi-cultural school, took place in 2016.

In 2017, a new club was formed in Galilee called Youth for Change Galilee with trainer and mentor Sa'eed Diabat. Their focus is on the environment, peace, and education,
particularly for marginalized Arab youth from different faiths who live in the region.

Youth for Change Galilee Club

Location: Nazareth, Gallilee

Mentors: Sa'eed Diabat

Partner: Youth for Change


Youth for Change Galilee was started by Play for Peace trainer and mentor Sa'eed Diabat to bring more opportunity for education, community development, and social programs to Arab youth living in the Galilee region.Comprised of young boys and girls, ages 12-25 from different cities and villages in Galilee, the group initiates projects related to conflict resolution, tolerance, and diversity amid the complex reality of the Middle East. Youth members suggest project ideas, and then a volunteer team made up of a social worker, educators, and community activists help make their ideas a reality. Completed projects include cultural exchange, higher education awareness events, volunteering, and community building activities. The youth see a great importance in building a bridge between youths around the world. They believe that meeting youth groups from different cultures and countries can be a huge motivation for realizing your own power to create change and impact for the benefit of society.The idea of Youth for Change Galilee has been in the heart of Sa'eed Diabat since 2006, when he took part in the first Play for Peace certified trainers training in Israel. In 2015, Saeed formed the current volunteer team, which includes Siham Abu Hija (social worker), Salameh Zireni (educator and team leader), and Ahlam Aweid (educator and team leader). Since 2016, monthly sessions and workshops are held for local youth using Play for Peace cooperative activities and seminars.In summer 2018, youth leaders from the Galilee club traveled to Crete to work with the Play for Peace club at the Skaramangas refugee camp. Together, they led cooperative play activities for orphaned children from Belarus who were invited to participate in a summer project by Crete for Life. This unique project had an incredible impact on all of the youth leaders and children, who understood that cooperation and peace between different cultures is possible, and that laughter is a universal language understood by everyone.
