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AN ORGANIC HEALER: Guest Blog Series

"We were born with collective identity that is why we coexist and can connect with each other on many levels." I meant to share these thoughts for a long time. These thoughts are coming from my fifteen years of journey from help-seeker to a healer.…

A Dream of Peace in South Sudan

"Please don't give up on us" - Play for Peace participant in South Sudan In a country of beauty, potential, and energy, South Sudan is struggling with an increasing number of localized wars and a growing volume of refugees and child soldiers. The…

One Small City Tries a Big Strategy for Change: Guest Blog Series

Play for Peace is not just about play. It is a powerful strategy for changing the paradigm of race and class relationships through cooperative play. - Maurine Pyle One thing I learned when I visited Play for Peace in Guatemala in 2007 was that size…

#ThankyouTuesday to all of our Feast for Peace Guests and Donors

"What an amazing night! It was fun, informative and inspiring!" Thank you to everyone who supported our 2015 Feast for Peace. Over 130 guests braved the chilly Chicago weather to share the evening with us! It was a beautiful night with delicious…

Our accomplishments since the 2014 Feast for Peace!

Register Here! Tickets for our Mardi Gras-themed charity dinner are going fast! While we will have a limited number of tickets available the night of the event for walk-ins, we are coming close to filling the room again this year! Please register…

All is fair in love and peace? A Valentine's tribute to Play for Peace couples

As someone said to me a few years ago when I explained the Play for Peace mission; "ah, you're teaching people to love one another!" Well, yes, you could say that the highest form of compassion, or peace for that matter, is love. However, we…

Profound Simplicity: Guest Blog Series

Every child should have mud pies, grasshoppers, waterbugs, tadpoles, frogs and turtles, elderberries, acorns, wild strawberries, chestnuts, trees to climb, brooks to wade in, water lilies, woodchucks, bats, bees, butterflies, various animals to…

#ThankyouTuesday to the Hennessy Family!

I love...raising money for Play for Peace kids in need. All this money is going to go to a very good cause. I hope you enjoy supporting Play for Peace Kids as much as I do. The Hennessy family is a very special one. It is apparent how caring and…

Building Peace Right Now in South Sudan

This training has to be done for all the teachers in South Sudan. - South Sudanese Teacher with 35 years experience Play for Peace Trainers Swati and Agyat are in the city of Yei, South Sudan, training teachers, students and PLAN International…

#ThrowbackThursday: 1999 Parliament of the World's Religions in South Africa

The world is still marked by massive inequality. In too many parts of the world warfare and violent conflict still reign...We shall have to reach deep into the wells of our human faith as we approach the new century. Nelson Mandela, Cape Town, South…