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Bringing hope: A "Peace is Possible" Story

The poverty experienced in Dakar is palpable. Many children are forced to beg on the streets. More than half of the population of Dakar lives below the poverty line (earn less than one Euro a day), and 52% are illiterate. In the past, Senegal had…

Involve me and I learn: A "Peace is Possible" Story

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” -Benjamin Franklin This quote has been the inspiration for Joe, a young Play for Peace Mentor, and his vibrant Play for Peace Club in the mountain district of Argao,…

Understanding Inclusion: A "Peace is Possible" Story

Promoting Peace Actions in Chicago One look at the Chicago news and it becomes obvious that being a young person in inner-city Chicago is not only difficult, but can even be dangerous. Crossing color or neighborhood lines on the way to school, at…

Teaching to learn: A "Peace is Possible" Story

Tensions melt in Israel Similar in age and profession (camp and youth center counselors), these two young men live segregated by language, religion, culture and politics. This is because they are Jewish and Arab men living in Israel. But they…

Crossing The Border: A "Peace is Possible" Story

"It has taken time for Play for Peace to cross this border, over 15 years in fact, and now that it has, we aim to keep the connection alive because another world IS POSSIBLE..." The border that has been so difficult to cross lies between India…

Reclaiming The Mountain: A "Peace is Possible" Story

Look! It's our community, it's so beautiful! Like many boys his age, what Carlos*, 9, doesn't lack is energy. However, until Play for Peace began in his community two years ago, he had been spending most of his time behind locked gates in his home…

Amy and Nils Lofgren support Play for Peace!

John Dillon, a dedicated Partner for Peace and co-founder Craig Dobkin met Nils Lofgren, a recording solo artist and 30 year guitar player for Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band. John bought an auctioned collectors electric guitar from Nils and…

Celebrating a birthday in Play for Peace

At my (undisclosed) age, I don't plan birthday celebrations. However, Play for Peace always "gives back" when I least expect it. First, messages began to trickle in about 10 pm the night before from Play for Peace friends in India and the…

Visualizing our dream!

About six months ago, after experiencing the rapid expansion of Play for Peace that began in 2013, I felt our website needed to represent our new community. The idea of creating a new site was born! As a dynamic learning community we are always…