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Category : Global

Volunteer Spotlight! Annie Tasker, Content Crew

Meet Annie Tasker of Chicago, Illinois whose time and talents are bringing high-quality activities to facilitators around the world. She's a project manager with Prudential Financial's inclusion & diversity unit and at the very end of the content creation process on this project, giving activities a final review before hitting ‘publish.’ She also pulls together profile information for these volunteer spotlights!

Volunteer Spotlight! Uwayo Noel, Content Crew

Uwayo is a proofreader and content writer with Play for Peace’s Kikori Content Crew. Over the course of his 12-year career, Uwayo has served as a translator, and as a communications and business consultant -- skills he also brings to his volunteer role with the United Nations.

Social Emotional Learning in Play for Peace

Play for Peace(R) is a process of creating inclusive experiences using cooperative activities with care and fun. When young people experience Play for Peace consistently it helps them grow. In over 20 years of sharing Play for Peace with young people we have seen young people transform their life, individually and collectively.

Welcome Regional Coordinator, Arzoo!

Please help us in giving a warm welcome to our new South Asia Regional Coordinator, Arzoo Shakir!

Helping Youth Caught in Conflict Zones

The importance of helping youths in conflict zones has become more important than ever. The current crisis between Ukraine and Russia has left the children of Ukraine both physically and mentally scarred. 

Compassion in Times of Chaos

Across the globe, this last week has seen a spike in fear and uncertainty amid the spread of COVID-19. At the same time, so many of the children, youth, and adults we work with experience fear and trauma on a daily basis—so Play for Peace remains committed to continuing our important work. Our team works virtually, so our support to the Play for Peace community will continue uninterrupted during this difficult time.