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By continuing to use our site, you consent to the processing of cookies, user data. If you do not want your data to be processed, please leave the site. Find our full Privacy Policy here.
Tomorrow is National Leadership Day, the perfect time for each of us to think about developing our own skills. If we all took up responsibilities and led in our communities, the world would be much better.
Imagine a world where you can succeed by being friendly and where we all pay it forward. A world where people look out for each other begins with a simple and kind gesture.
Today we want to shout out our love for our partners on the ground that make Play for Peace possible; future, present, and past!
How can you keep compassion, connection and community alive when you or loved ones are sick? Like every other company and organization we have also had to navigate getting our work done and supporting team members falling ill.
I’m constantly inspired by the power of human tenacity in the face of the most challenging circumstances. Our PFP community member from Afghanistan, Morteza, had to flee his home for the safety of his family.
As the world shifted to in-person work after 3ish years, Global Operations Manager and Trainer, Yasmin shared some of her realizations of the transition to in-person and what we need to keep in mind when working in group settings, whether online or in-person.
We are happy to share that we just completed our Phase 2 project with Kikori. We have been working on developing age appropriate variations for the activities that were on the Kikori platform. This phase of the project which began in July was actually a continuation of a process that began in early 2022 with uploading over 250 activities to the Kikori platform.
Happy New Year to all! We started our year creating a wonderful experience on January 15th where we met to celebrate ourselves and our work with PFP.
Thank you for your dedication to this year's partnership with Kikori, Jessica! We can't wait to see what the future holds for you as your gifts and talents are used to better this world.
Why do we easily place harsh labels on children when they’re not meeting our expectations? Why do we have such high expectations for them when we haven’t finished figuring out life ourselves?