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Thank You Thursday: New Bloggers!

Play for Peace is dedicated to telling the stories of our clubs around the world. We are thrilled to add more volunteers to the team who tells these stories - stories of kindness, compassionate action, and positive community change around the world.…

Play for Peace In Switzerland

“I think this (playing uncompetitive games) is a great way to show children of young age that collective things should be done peacefully, and the effect it has on their mentality is very positive and I believe will benefit them further in…

Compulsively Collaborative - The International Voluntary Service movement

Last week, our Executive Director, Sarah Gough, had the opportunity to present at the CCIVS conference in Morocco. "In my talk at the CCIVS conference, I mentioned first, that we (Play for Peace) are laser-focused in our implementation. Second, we…

Happy International Volunteer Day!

We would like to thank each of our volunteers who made a difference, who transcended all cultural, linguistic, and geographic boundaries, who understood that benefit of society is more important than personal benefit, and who still make our mission…

Don't Forget! Play for Peace receives the Compassion Torch December 3

The Compassion Games: Survival of the Kindest Giving Games kicked off earlier this week on #GivingTuesday. Appropriately, the torch began at the #GivingTuesday headquarters in New York City. It has been a star-studded week for Compassion Games, as…

November Play for Peace Board Retreat

The Play for Peace board retreat was held on November 12, in the Sunrise Lake Outdoor Education Center in Bartlett, Illinois. The retreat was attended by the entire Play for Peace board: John Guarrine, Lisa Gelsamino, Kevin Creely, Ron Kovich, Mark…

Raising Awareness on Gender Issues at Nguyen Kiem Campus

"The heterosexual-homosexual-bisexual-transgender are traits that make up the colorful paintings of  beautiful life!" - A New Day A New Day Social Work Club in Vietnam held an event on November 13, titled "When Rainbow Social Communities Raise…

Happy #GivingTuesday! Join the #Raise1ToPlayAs1 movement today!

Today begins the holiday giving season in America. Though it has a short history, #GivingTuesday has inspired so many to make gifts to organizations that they can truly believe in. We appreciate your support today and each day of the year as we work…

The Giving Games, presented by Compassion Games - November 29-December 10

The Giving Games: Youth and Schools Play it Forward is a 12-day global challenge to inspire, develop, and celebrate our shared humanity through acts of generosity and compassion. The Giving Games begins on November 29 – a day known as…

Director of Play for Peace Invited to Speak in Morocco

Play for Peace's key programmatic and structural elements are relevant in the fight against violent extremism and replicable to other youth volunteer programs around the world. From contacts made in India in 2015, Play for Peace director Sarah Gough…